First of all, i think there's no need for the introduction about this topic. It all over the news these days. The latest news are Samsung losing in the us trial one of biggest (if not the biggest) market for smartphone and tablet, and decided have to pay apple as a compensation for "damage" being done by infringing Apple tech patent in its smart phone product line known as the galaxy s series.
For while now i have been following the case and have had my own opinions. The Samsung had it smart phone business rocketing start by the first gen s 1, and maybe from my perspective gaining some more of its reputation by producing first Gtab which was by that time considered to be the only real challenger (if there's any) to the Apple iPad which was already popular at that time.
I have to agree to many Apple fans here that Samsung is trying to imitate as close as possible Apple iPhone or iPad at this stage to gain more customer. But since that time as Samsung gain its own name the company produce an array of product line which is in my opinion not based on the iPhone but rather than based on its thinking of consumers needs and preferences.
To be continue... My son crying...
Sabtu, 01 September 2012
Samsung vs Apple patent war... not good vs bad, but rather just how things work in this world
Samsung vs Apple patent war... not good vs bad, but rather just how things work in this world
First of all, i think there's no need for the introduction about this topic. It all over the news these days. The latest news are Samsung losing in the us trial one of biggest (if not the biggest) market for smartphone and tablet, and decided have to pay apple as a compensation for "damage" being done by infringing Apple tech patent in its smart phone product line known as the galaxy s series.
For while now i have been following the case and have had my own opinions. The Samsung had it smart phone business rocketing start by the first gen s 1, and maybe from my perspective gaining some more of its reputation by producing first Gtab which was by that time considered to be the only real challenger (if there's any) to the Apple iPad which was already popular at that time.
I have to agree to many Apple fans here that Samsung is trying to imitate as close as possible Apple iPhone or iPad at this stage to gain more customer. But since that time as Samsung gain its own name the company produce an array of product line which is in my opinion not based on the iPhone but rather than based on its thinking of consumers needs and preferences.
To be continue... My son crying...
Minggu, 22 Januari 2012
New Project

This is kind of awsome... i've currently in progress of making new house of my little family, it's small as it affordable to my budget and not far from my wishes in my head. the housing developers has already had their design, i've only change it a little to meet my desire and taste.
Senin, 28 Maret 2011
I'm i a suitable leader
Sering kali gw menanyaan hal ini ke diri gua sendiri... "Apakah gw punya mentalitas seorang pemimpin" apakah gw sebenernya bisa memimpin... dalam banyak kesempatan sebenarnya hal ini sudah diuji, sebelumnya saat masih di perusahaan swasta gw pernah punya anak buah sendiri walaupun jumlahnya gak banyak tapi secara struktural kantor mereka benar benar anak buah gw. untuk skala besar di beberapa kesempatan gw pun pernah memimpin departemen saat dept headnya cuti atau berhalangan untuk masuk kerja (kebetulan gw second in command di departemen enginering saat itu). dan saat itu penilaian gw mix up terkadang gw merasa kalo gw suck abis saat menjad seorang atasan, bahkan dulu ada anak buah gw yang gak ngerasa bawa gw adalah atasan dia (mungkin karena aura pemimpin gw sama sekali gak berasa ke dia) padahal jelas 2 board struktur organisasi menempatkan dia ada dibawah mana gw... tapi adakalanya gw merasa bahwa gw cukup punya kapabilitas dan performa yang baik sebagai seorang pemimpin...
to be continue nonton castle dulu
Minggu, 27 Maret 2011
My archos 70 review...
di beberapa bulan ini gw bener-bener kecanduan dengan android..
beberapa hal yang bisa membuat lu asik sendiri berjam jam dengan android device lu adalah sbb;
;) android punya interface yang unik... and its touch screen baby... so cool... menjentikkan jari dilayar untuk berinteraksi dengan gadget sangat mengasikkan
;) android sangat customible.... banyak sekali software yang bisa merubah tampilan android lu... adw launcher, launcher pro...etc many more.... dan tiap launcher itu khas tampilannya
;) this will blow you away... android have thousand free aplication... and its free (or when its not free you can always get ot for free from other site/apps)
;) lu gakperlu susah2 cari aplikasi yang lu perlu dari site satu ke site laennya semua udah ada di aplikasi yang namanya android market, tinggal download... and just like that
;) dan yang paling cool about android... its use in your most portable thingy... di hp lu atau pada alat gw di archos 70 gw...
well...well... well how cool is that guys...