My Wish... My Key to Succes...

My life evolve around variable of option... I should take my lead as a man chose my path of option, stand up straight and finish it to the end...


Selasa, 02 November 2010

New Writings Finally

New writings finnaly… bosen dikantur… every one just move in slow motion this morning, looks like no one have anything to do. Gue browsing new dvd dari chip magazine, isinya not as good as I expected but atleast I’m still curious what’s in it.

Sebenernya gue lagi nyari yang bertemakan system mark buat PC gue yang baru dirumah, pengen tau berapa sih nilai PC gue selain dari nilai cash yang telah gue keluarin.

PC gue dirumah spectnya udah hiper (buat gue) dupper mega fantastic, paling gak harganya udah nunjukin gitu, gue ngabisin sekitar 7 juta setengahan buat ni PC, lebih jelasnya spectnya gini, Proc Phenom X4 2,3 Ghz, VGA MSI HD 4830, Ram DDR2 2 x 2 (2 Giga Hz), MB KA780G MSI punya, trus speakernya pake yang udah ada SPC S-500 (suaranya lumayan mantep, terutama bassnya). Hasilnya sementara ini semua game bisa gua optimize ke highest quality, sesuai dengan resolusi LCD-nya 1350 x 750 pxl… Beh deh pokoknya lumayan puas… sekarang gw jadi hobi nginstal game cuma untuk ngeliatin bahwa gamenya enteng buat PC gue… hehe maklum sebelumnya gw harus milih-milih game yang bisa jalan di laptop, jalan juga udah untung biasanya pake lowest quality trus resolusinya di set serendah mungkin… (parah dah).

Tapi gw tetep cinta laptop gw lah, secara belinya 12 juta gitu loh duitnya dari keringat, darah, dan upil item gue, kebayang capenya kerja di perusaan (apalagi dulu gw masih karyawan baru pas gw beli laptop itu).

ni tulisan udah lama banget gua buat... di word, cuma belum di upload... karena kayaknya ngingetin gw betapa gw excited bgt dengan kompi baru gw upload sekarang...

updet: sekarang kompi udah pake monitor LCD TV 24 inch full hd, si MSI HD4830 udah mengap-mengap nandingin resolusi full hdnya... hehe

Jumat, 30 April 2010

we are far apart from them (japan tv vs indonesian tv)

just watch nhk world for 2 hours and sudenly it hits me, wow what a world distance our tv in indonesian agains japanist tv (nhk for this case).
I've watch 2 show, the first one tells story about young profesional who is a team leader of a comercial scientist team (working for well funded institution in japan). The story tells abaout how he (the main character) achieve his magnificent work as a scientist, his work rthics, hois dedication for his project, motivation, and how he might be the person he is right now. He recently working on a project analyzing human cellular (more of a DNA size) that controlle time for certain event in human body, like a time most vulnarable for human cholesterol to be accumulate and/or time of human body most vulnerable for causing cardiac infraction, or brain infaction. all sort of humanic event are largely controle by this molecular size part of the body it is call biological clock it initiate the occure of event in the body. the way scientist manipulate this trigger dna cellulare change the timing of the event, and it can be use to support the medicine effect due to the knowledge of right timing of certain event in the body. like for example a cancer cell will replicate the cells mostly in around x:xx time (around a day), so if the proper medicine injected to the body at the same time it will highly effective then compared to randoming the time of the medicine injection. it pretty much of an inspiration to see a man in quite youth age (34) to be succesfull in his field of work, and the way he stife to be excellence that some time you see it kinda unhuman to se him work from 9:30 am up to 4:00 am (that nuts i think).
The second tv program tells story about a 19th year old girl that become a village leader in some village at china gua jou province. she inherit the purpose of developing the village from his grand father who is an elder in this village. after an ellection she won by landslide 450 voters out of 461 people. the village people of china these day have a problem of losing their youth people which goes to the cities for working with companies/factory rather than living in village (farming or catling), so it's refreshing for the village people to sse eager, full of vitality, and fresh youth who dedicate to help the village. the program tells about how this girl gather people to help her/the village council to built road so the truck from town can came and pick up the dates which is the main resources of this village. and also theres conflict of some village council members blaming her for the negotiation thas she promise before she get ellected is yet to be done. but in the end it's a struggle that a 19th yearold girl miracelously survive or even do more than just survive, she done well leading a village full of elderly age people to a better prosperous village than before.

fiuh... what an ispiration, youth, succesfull, hardworker, visioners... absolutelly great TV. while back here in indonesia i've watch cooking programe with the girl chef with big tits... after that, i've watch some tv drama serial that tells a pretty white shinny girl who lost his memory due to tripping in the closed, and found her self to be in custody of her aunty that cruel enough to make her to do all the dirty house work and planning to take over the house of her that she inherit from her father who is divorce with his late mother, and and its an episode 3456 and already lasted for 34 seasons... hehe just kidding...

What a big difference... light year of distance...

Kamis, 07 Januari 2010

My New PC Game; Dragon Age : Origin

I loose my time to get well rested, I get so sleepy at work because of this game...
Dragon Age Origin. Not like it's name you wont find much of dragon in this game, well i've played for 50-60 hour and still not done yet (i've enjoy to much of this game so i've linger for new stuff and skills)...

continue... (after 2 weeks being save as a draft)

This game is awsome you should definitly try it... variable option makes the story interesting, diference weapon, modification, speels and skills make it so interesting to linger to get more stuff...  i've finnish the game killing 2 dragons (archdemon) i decide to stop playing and start resting since i've havent have enough sleep lately... and my wife seems happy wiht my desicion... hehe

Jumat, 01 Januari 2010

Sang Pemimpi the Movie...

Abis nonton sang pemimpi sama keluarga istri ku...
one word "good"!!!!
Semula agak skeptik mengingat film pertama sangat mengecewakan buat orang-orang yang sudah baca bukunya kayak gue. tapi setelah nonton 5 menit pertama aja, akan terjawab bahwa film ini beda dengan yang pertama yaitu tidak mengecewakan penontonnya.
Seperti film sebelumnya film "sang pemimpi" harus sedikit2 di ubah oleh director film supaya jadi rangkaian utuh dari cerita film, karena kalau kita baca buku andrea hirata maka kita akan tau bahwa bukunya seperti beberapa cerita kecil yang dijadikan satu buku dengan plot waktu yang berurutan tapi korelasi antar ceritanya sedikit bahkan terkadang gak ada korelasinya (gak percaya baca sendiri/baca lagi deh)...
Beberapa hal yang membuat cerita ini lebih bagus dibanding sebelumnya adalah cast karakter yang sudah lebih dewasa (profil usia 15-18 th) dibanding sebelumnya sehingga aktingnya lebih baik, lebih ekspresif dan gak terpotong2 ngomomngnya seperti cast anak2 kecil. selain itu sepertinya dari interpretasi buku oleh direktor film pun lebih baik, kita bisa membayangkan Bang Zaitun sang seniman melayu yang eksentrik, playboy kampung, dan gayanya yang ngetrend menurutnya dan orang2 kampungnya tapi sesungguhnya norak... dan si director dengan sangat baik sudah bisa memberikan itu di filmnya. Satu cast yang sangat nge-pas secara tampilan adalah jimbron... saya tidak bisa membayangkan ada jimbron lain yang bisa mengalahkan jimbron yag sudah ditampilkan di film ini. posturnya, tampangnya, semuanya benar2 jimbron yang kita baca di buku sang pemimpi (walaupun sebenarnya hampir semua cast utama ditampilkan oleh orang yang tepat...tapi ada tapinya....).
Selain good stuf tentu tak ada gading yang takl retak, ada beberapa hal yang menurut saya pribadi bener2 secara signifikan merusak film ini, yaitu cast beberapa peran pembantu... AMPUUUUNNNNN.... tolong film yang baik ini dirusak oleh cast2 yang gak sesuai seperti mathias muchus + yang jadi istrinya(sapa namanya lupa?), lukman sardi, ariel dan beberapa pemeran yang import dari jawa lainnya... beberapa komment dari saya, mthias muchus akan lebih baik kalo diam aja perannya gak usah ngomong... si oneng tolong dong saya gak kebayang sioneng wang biasa jadi komedi jadi ibunya si ikal, lukman sardi... is there no one else???? selain gak ada sumatranya sekali tampangya (batak dikit kali yah tapi certainly not belitung), tapi usianya dong bahkan untuk buku ketiga andrea pun profilnya gak akan cocok, lukman sardi like what 37-40 th, buat memerankan ikal yang harusnya baru lulus kuliah usia max 25 tahun... terlalu besar pengorbanan film ini cuma untuk menampilkan kontinuitas lukman sardi sebagai aktor di laskar pelangi... belum lagi cara dia ngomong wahhhh gak ada sumatranya. Si Ariel well quite surprise he done well enough buat jadi arai paling gak kao gua mejem yah, tapi tetep aja ariel saat muncul pertama di film ini bener2 ngerusak mood gue nonton, betapa profil arai dari cast sebelumnya yang 98% cocok dengan harapan gue tiba2 harus dirubah ariel yang tetap harus menutup jidatnya dengan rambut poni sepanjang dia ada film ini. Kemudian pas cerita dia sampai di abroud yang turun salju dia harus teriak2 kaya di atas stage... hooo hooo, yayaya penyanyi gitu loooh... hooo hooo....
HUH wahat a waste...
But overal still "goood movie and very much my recomendable" especially for someone with bitterness level lower than me... hehe